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Finding peace though stress and anxiety


Many of us live in a state of chronic stress. This can have a major impact on our concentration, productivity, sleep, libido, relationships, fertility, and overall wellbeing.


You may have been diagnosed with an anxiety disorder or stress-related condition, or maybe you just know you need to reduce the impact of stress in your life. 


This four week course offers you some breathing space. 

Our weekly sessions will include gentle yoga, breathing, and meditation in a no-pressure, supportive environment. 


You will also gain more understanding of how stress works, and learn some techniques and strategies to help you better understand and manage stress and anxiety in your daily life. 


7:00pm - 8:30pm Tuesdays

2nd - 23rd May



268 Raglan St, Preston



$150 (Eve members save 10%)



Limited numbers. Book early to avoid disappointment.


This course is for women only. Trans & non-binary women welcome.

See here for more info.



Annie Carter . Course Facilitator


The Calmer Course is facilitated by Eve Founder, Annie Carter, who before opening Eve trained and worked as a psychotherapist with a focus on anxiety disorders.


“I am so looking forward to facilitating the Calmer Course, and helping women reduce the impact of stress in their lives. The simple techniques, yoga practices and lifestyle tweaks we’ll explore over the four weeks can make a huge difference in so many ways.”

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